Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Analysis Process

We were given a method to analyze the bridge to determine tension force and compression force. This method gives a good analysis when looking for the forces on a few beams, but when you have to look at a real bridge this method is not good enough. The work ends up being tedious and takes too long to find all the forces. It also does not really help in knowing which beams are not necessary in the design and structure of the bridge. We have to build a 3-foot bridge, and having to calculate the forces on all of those beams will take up a lot more time than we have. There has to be a quicker, easier way to find all of these calculations.
I would also like to analyze the affect that the other beams would have on each other. The beams themselves add weight and therefore have to have some sort of effect on the forces that are seen. The knowledge of the mass of the beams and gusset plates as well as how they effect each other could assist us in building a better stronger bridge. To achieve this information research would have to be done, and then more calculations would have to be done to find the forces more accurately.

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