This week in class we took all of our best bridge designs and tried to put them together to make on really good group design. Although we worked the whole class period, our final result is not as well made as it could have been. We tried to make triangles differently instead of the standard template way that is given, but it was not more cost efficient. Our final product was around $250,000.00. We had some minor disagreements of the method of building and the materials that should be used which may have been a factor in why the bridge design is not as good as it could have been.
In the prior week, we made a design of bridge individually within the design constraints. As a group, we did not compare our bridges until we got to class because we want to have our own ideas as a start. Then our plan was to fix each of the bridges so the cost would be lower, but that plan did not work out. We did not have enough time to make a new bridge, so we decided to use one of them and improved on that.